Aprendendo Física com Projetos de Aprendizagem
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- surtitle: “Projetos de Aprendizagem em Física” (author name appears on cover of books, reports and optionally in articles)
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- title: “Aprendendo Física com Projetos de Aprendizagem” (appears on cover and in page header (books and reports) or footer (articles))
- justification: on (text justified or ragged right)
- watermark: “http://aprendendofisica.pro.br” (appears on every page)
- subtitle: “Realizados no Colégio Pedro II - Unidade Centro” (appears on cover and in page footer of books and reports)
- cover: center (article cover page or alignment of cover text)
- titlepage: fancy (layout style for book title page)
- chapterstyle: Robert (style for chapter heading text in books)
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⚠ `RoyalBlue
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Projetos Realizados
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