Exames e Listas de Exercícios


Veja um exemplo do pacote acima (abaixo):

\printanswers % If you want to print answers
%\noprintanswers % If you don't want to print answers
\addpoints % if you want to count the points
%\noaddpoints % if you don't want to count the points
%Specifies the way question are displayed:
\usepackage{color} % defines a new color
\definecolor{SolutionColor}{rgb}{0.8,0.9,1} % light blue
\shadedsolutions % defines the style of the solution environment
%\framedsolutions % defines the style of the solution environment
%Defines the title of the solution environment:

Voltar para LATEX

Pagina modificada em 08 de maio de 2014, às 21h18